North East Derbyshire Statement of Community Involvement 2023

Ended on the 29 March 2023

(7)1. Introduction

1.1 This Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) sets out how North East Derbyshire District Council will involve the public and stakeholders in plan making and in the consideration of planning applications. It sets out who, how and when we will engage with the public and stakeholders in carrying out our planning functions.

1.2 Our Council Plan 2019-2023 sets out that we are committed to engaging with people and ensuring that the consultations we undertake are fair, open and accessible. This approach is taken forward through our Communications Strategy 2020 which establishes our commitment to:

  • keeping everyone informed and up-to-date;
  • reaching all sections of the community;
  • improving customer satisfaction levels; and
  • engaging with and informing our partners.

1.3 This SCI aims to build upon these corporate aims and seeks to encourage the local community to engage in planning. To this end we will work positively and pro-actively to ensure that you are fully informed; involved in the planning process and have meaningful opportunities to have your say.

1.4 Community involvement is an important part of preparing the SCI and so this Draft SCI is available for a 6 week consultation period from 15th February to 29th March 2023. The purpose of publicising the SCI is to provide opportunity for us to gather your views on the process and methods of consultation that we intend to use across the Planning Service.

1.5 Once the consultation closes we will review the comments received and make any necessary changes to the document. We will then adopt the SCI and carry out consultation on the Local Plan and planning applications in line with the processes it sets out.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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