North East Derbyshire Statement of Community Involvement 2023
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North East Derbyshire Statement of Community Involvement 2023
Appendix A: Specific Consultation Bodies for a Local Plan
Representation ID: 10907
Received: 21/03/2023
Respondent: Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT
As a minimum should include Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT (acute care) separately, which is impacted at a greater scale than individual GP practices from growth across the identified area. Growth in housing has a material impact on attendance at the hospital which is well documented in ONS data and supported by our own activity data/heat map. This impacts directly on service capacity, physical space requirements and equipment capacity and replacement rates.
In addition we are supportive of moving towards an agreed combined Health and Social care impact assessment process across the Derby and Derbyshire system, including Primary Care.
As a minimum should include Chesterfield Royal Hospital NHS FT (acute care) separately, which is impacted at a greater scale than individual GP practices from growth across the identified area. Growth in housing has a material impact on attendance at the hospital which is well documented in ONS data and supported by our own activity data/heat map. This impacts directly on service capacity, physical space requirements and equipment capacity and replacement rates.
In addition we are supportive of moving towards an agreed combined Health and Social care impact assessment process across the Derby and Derbyshire system, including Primary Care.